Ivanov Laboratory of Regional Geology and Geotectonics


Head of Laboratory
Kirill S. Ivanov
Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy
tel.: (343) 371-62-82
e-mail: ivanovks@igg.uran.ru


Laboratory staff: 24 employees, including 2 doctors of sciences, 12 candidates, seven graduate students

Research Areas:
• The study of regional geology, tectonics and history of the development of mobile belts and adjacent platforms, for example Ural fold belt and its platform framing.
• The study of inorganic geochemistry of oil in the Northern Eurasia.
• The study of rare metal pegmatites and Be-mineralization of the Urals.
• The study of the crystalline basement of the West Siberian platform and the problem of its oil-and-gas bearing capacity.
• The study of Alpine ultramafic rocks of the Ural-Mongolian fold belt and associated chromite mineralization.
• Biostratigraphy of the Middle Paleozoic Urals and adjacent regions, based on the study of brachiopods and conodonts.