Cherviakovsky Laboratory of Paleovolcanism and Regional Geodynamics

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Head of Laboratory
Past Director of the Institute (1986-2011)

Viktor A. Koroteev
academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, professor

Acting Head of Laboratory
Elena Volchek
Cand.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy

tel.: (343) 371-67-47



Laboratory staff: 16 employees, including 1 RAS Academician, 3 doctors of science, 3 candidates of science and 2 graduate students.

Research Areas:

  • Geodynamics and volcanism in the formation of the Earth's crust during accretion-collision orogenic system formation.
  • Petrological, mineralogical and isotopic and geochronological studies of mantle mafic-ultramafic and crustal metamorphic complexes of the Urals as indicators of geodynamic evolution of the mobile belts lithosphere.