Hydrogeoology and Geoecology Group


Yuri K. Ivanov
Cand.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy
tel.: (343) 371-53-18
e-mail: ivanovuk@igg.uran.ru

Group staff: 3 employees – candidates of science.

Research Areas:

  • Patterns of development of technogenic synergistic processes in geological systems.
  • Hydrodynamic and hydrochemical modeling of the groundwater flow in the definition of the dissipative self-organization.
  • The construction of a full-scale model of the transformation of recycled copper slag waste in the supergene environment.
  • The assessment of the groundwater regimen, resources and quality, and changes in the underground component of the Ural-Siberian water balance as a result of natural and man-made effects.
  • The analysis of water resources as a strategic factor of long-term economic development of the Ural-Siberian region, as well as their prospective assessment in terms of climate change and economic activity.