
Laboratory of  Stratigraphy and Paleontology
Head: V.V. Chernykh, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy

Laboratory of  Regional Geology and Geotectonics
Head: K.S. Ivanov, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy

Laboratory of  Paleovolcanism and Regional Geodynamics
Acting Head: E.N. Volchek, Cand.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy

Laboratory of  Petrology of Magmatic Formations
Head: V.V. Kholodnov, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy

Laboratory of  Lithology 
Head: A.V. Maslov, RAS corresponding member, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy

Laboratory of Geochemistry and Ore-Forming Processes
Head: V.V. Murzin, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy

Laboratory of  Physical and Chemical Methods of  Research
Head: J.V. Schapova, Cand.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics

Hydrogeology and Geoecology Group
Head: Y.K. Ivanov, Cand.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy